John was put in prison by Herod, Herod had married his own sister-in-law and John publicly rebuked Herod sin. As John sat in prison he got an idle mind and began to entertain doubt. He sent two of his disciples to go see if Jesus really was the Son of God. When Jesus heard this, He didn’t rebuke John or criticize him for his doubt. He simply told the disciples to tell John the works they see and then told everyone that no other human being had yet done His masters will as greatly as John had been doing, even though he had a moment of doubt. Jesus didn’t get mad or offended by Johns doubt, He simply sent proof for Him and peace for his mind and used this is a great learning lesson for others. Don’t feel guilty when you feel doubt, instead, know that Jesus loves you and seek what He says on the situation that is causing you doubt and stand on it and move forward.

            Jesus condemned the attitude of His generation, all the works that were done right in front of their faces yet many still chose not to repent or turn to God. They were cynical and didn’t want to listen because they knew after they heard and believed and chose the word of God they wouldn’t have to make changes in their lives. These changes weren’t bad but any change for people no matter good or bad can be a scary and unsure thing so often time people will turn away because they are afraid of the change.

            Jesus thanks God for hiding these things from the wise and prudent, the ones whose hearts who cold and wouldn’t be accepting of God. He thanked God for revealing these things to the babes, the ones pure of heart who were open to God and His truth. All things have been delivered to Jesus by God and no one knows Jesus except God and no one knows God except Jesus and the ones who Jesus wills to reveal Him. The word Know here means more than knowledge of, it means to have an intimate relationship with. The way to God is through Jesus and they way to God is if Jesus wills to reveal HIm. If you are seeking God than that means you! Praise God!

            Jesus says to take His yoke upon us, and learn from Him for His yoke is gentle and His burden is light and in Him we find rest for our souls. A yoke is a heavy wooden harness that goes over the shoulders of an ox to carry a load that the ox then pulls. To take Jesus’ yoke means to allow Him to be with you, to have Him pull your load, to take that burden and carry it for you, in Him you find rest and He does the work with you pulling the weight for you. There is always some form of work to be done, but when you allow Jesus to be with you and carry the burden for you then your work load seems light and for some may not even feel like work at all even though to the secular it is still a work load.


            Jesus called His twelve disciples to Him and gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out and to heal sickness and disease. He sent them out to find the lost sheep of Israel (the Jews), the Bible notes show that they were to go to the Jews because that was who God chose to tell the rest of the world about Him.

            Jesus told the disciples not to take clothes or food or money with them, that they would be cared for and people of peace would take them in. If they went to a house that didn’t have people of peace, they didn’t need to leave their peace with them but move on to the next who has people of peace who will be accepting of their mission. This is why churches give money to people actively discipling in the mission field 24/7. They need their needs taken care of so they can do Gods work and that is why giving to people in the mission field is so good, that is why God will put it on peoples hearts to give to disciples in the mission field. Its important to remember if you aren’t a full time missionary, you can still be a disciple of God and pray over people and cast out demons even if you work a regular nine to five job. We should all be open to God using us as His disciples 24/7 in whichever unique way He chooses for us.

            Jesus told the disciples to go out and be as wise as servants and gentle as doves. This is important to follow. Whats it mean to be wise as a serpent? A serpent doesn’t freely announce itself when it enters a new environment, it camouflages itself, hides and assess the are first without being seen. They don’t act fast, they assess situations and strike at the perfect moment. They don’t act impulsively. Just as doves are gentle birds, they are not vicious or mean, unlike some snakes. The combination of the two is what the disciples were told to act like. Blend in, take it slow and assess the situation to allow God to show them the perfect time to strike, but then to strike with gentleness and grace so they don’t scare people off when they share the gospel. We need to follow this when we share the gospel with others, we need to assess the situation and let God show us what to say or do and at the perfect moment that He shows us gently share the gospel unless He shows you a different way which would be the exception. We don’t need to dwell over what to say or how to say it because we don’t know the persons heart or soul like Jesus does, He will show the perfect thing to say when the perfect moment has arrived we just need to be gentle and calm and patient so we can hear it.

            Whatever God tells us in the dark we are to share in the light and we are not to fear. Not a single sparrow falls to the ground aside from Gods will and we are much more valuable than a bird. There is no need to fear. He knows how many hairs are on our head, His love is that strong and He is the most powerful and in charge, there is no reason to fear.

            Whoever confesses Jesus before men, Jesus will confess him to His father. Whoever denies Jesus in front of men will be denied before God. As christians we can loose cool points because we believe in God. But at the end of days it won’t be so cool in hell. Never turn away from your faith or God to impress others. There will be ones who are rejected for their faith, and that is ok, it is far better to be rejected by someone than it is to spend an eternity in hell. If the person truly loves and cares about you they will accept you for your beliefs and if they don’t, well when you get born again God will put like minded people in your life to replace the ones who refuse to show you love with your beleifs. There may be a day when you have to make a choice between someone you love and God. We are to always choose God. If the thought scares you because you don’t want to give that person up then pray to God and ask for help on this, hopefully it won’t come down to it but if it does we need to always make the right choice. We must always choose God before anyone. I have had to make the choice a few times and some of them finally found God and are back in my life again only the relationship is better than ever, and they not only accept my faith but respect it. The point is, we always need to make God first in our lives, and if this is hard to do then talk to Him about it so He can help you to have a better relationship with Him so putting Him first won’t be scary it’ll be as easy as breathing.


            This chapter is about lots of Jesus's healings and begins with Jesus healing the paralyzed man. The scribes thought to themselves that Jesus was a blasphemer and Jesus read their minds and called them out for their evil in their hearts. This is a reminder to us that Jesus knows our hearts, better then we do. 

            Jesus left and walked by a tax collector named Mathew and told him to follow Him, and Mathew did just that.  Tax collectors were known for stealing some of the tax money so they werent very liked by the Jews. Despite what others thought of tax collectors Jesus saw past that and saw Mathew for who he really is and asked him to follow Him.  Mathew left a good paying job to serve Jesus. Sometimes we have to choose between Jesus and obstacles in our lives that could keep us from Jesus.  We need to follow Mathews example and choose Jesus and let Him carve out anything in our lives we dont need. 

            The Pharisees constantly tried to trap Jesus, they asked why He was eating with a tax collector and Jesus told them that He came to save the sinners and bring them to repentance,  the ones who realize they need Jesus not the righteous.  

            Then the disciples of John came and asked why Jesus's disciples didnt fast.  Jesus responded with, "Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them?" It was before the time becuse Jesus was still with them in the flesh. 

            Jesus then heals the woman who had a bleeding problem, she had heard of Jesus and her faith was strong, she thought all she had to do was touch His robe and she would be healed. Jesus told her that her faith has made her well. After He healed a girl who was dead, He rose her from the dead. He walked into the mourning room filled with people crying and told them that she was merely asleep and they ridiculed Him for it. But He grabbed her hand and she rose from the dead and word of this spread everywhere like wild fire. 

            Jesus then came across two blind men, they begged for mercy and He asked them if they beleived that He could heal them and they said yes. Jesus told them by their faith let it be done to them. Another example of healing coming by their faith. Jesus asked them not to tell anyone but they did the opposite and told all in that country. 

            Next, Jesus delivers a mute/demon possessed man and the man began to speak. But the Pharisees heard of this and said that He was casting out demons by the ruler of demons and they didnt like it. 

            Jesus went to all the villages and cities and preaches the gospel too them. He saw the multitudes and felt compassion for them because they were lost like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus wanted to help all that He could see, He went around healing every sickness and disease. 

            Judge not, Jesus commands us to judge not. We set the standard for which God judges us by how we follow this command. It is hypocritical of us to judge others, and it is one of the main reasons people get turned away from Christianity. Instead of judging others we need to look at ourselves and see what we need to fix in us, what we need to allow God to mold in us to match what He intended us to be. After, we can then help someone else who is struggling with the same stuff, but we don't judge anyone. There is a huge difference between offering help to someone and judging them.

            We are to ask, and keep on asking and it will be given to us, seek and keep on seeking and we will find, knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you forever. We must always keep seeking Jesus in all things, go to Him for your needs whether it be fleshly or spiritual He wants to give you all your needs. God is our father, He is the best father because He can give reckless and unconditional love like no one else, after all, He created it. If your child asked you for food for dinner, you wouldn't say no and send them to bed starving. You would get your child whatever you could to make sure they were fed and not starving. So if us, sinful in nature, know how to give good to our children, how much more will God who is perfect give to those who keep on asking?

            We are to treat others the same way we would like to be treated. If someone is treating you poorly, don't add fire to fire. Instead be kind and treat them the way you would be treated and you would be surprised how that holy water will put the fire out. Its easier if you put yourself in their shoes and try to see things from someone else’ view point, if you can try to understand them you can have more compassion towards them and it will make it easier to forgive their actions and let it go. We are to be compassionate, we are to forgive, and we are to treat people the way we wouldn't want to be treated.

            Wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction. It is easy to conform to secular view points and paths but that is not the way we are meant to go. Though we are in the world we are not of the world and shall not conform to secular mindsets. Narrow is the path that leads the way to everlasting life and there are few who find it. There are many who dont believe in Jesus who are on that wide path, surprisingly, there are many believers who are on that path as well. It is always important to lead by example, be the light in the darkness and the salt to the earth, dont preach people away but lead by example so they may be able to see through your actions that they are on the broad path and will hopefully want to switch over.

            Be aware of false prophets/teachers who come to you on the outside appearing to be a man of God but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will sadly see many false prophets/teachers/ pastors who are not spirit filled and give words that will spiritually confuse you in attempts to pull you away from the path God wants you on.You must always seek Gods guidance to know who is false and who is a true spirit filled man/woman of God. Before listening to a new teacher pray that the Holy Spirit will show you if this is a false prophet or a spirit filled teacher with an anointed teaching for you. We can also tell if its a false prophet by their fruit, by their contrived doctrine and self-focus. Match what they say to the bible, if its not a perfect fit its not true, disregard it and move on. How blessed are we to know that pastor skeet is not a false prophet! Amen.

            Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of the Lord. Many will say to Him on the day He judges them that they have prayed in His name and driven out demons in His name and He will say “I never knew you, depart from me you are banished from My presence, you who act wickedly disregarding My commands”. Anyone who hears these words of His and acts on them will be like a wise man who built His house on a rock solid foundation. Those who hear this word and dont act on it will be foolish men who build their houses on sand, and when the winds and floods came the house fell and didn't withstand it, and great was its fall. After Jesus finished His teachings everyone was astonished, because He didn't teach like the scribes, He spoke and taught with great authority.