The book of Mathew begins with the genealogy leading from Abraham all the way to the coming Messiah.

            The chapter then reveals that Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before she was with him she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph, being a righteous man didn't want to expose her publicly, because for this offense in that time she could have gotten stoned. So he planned on sending her away secretly to have the baby and secretly divorcing her.

            After he considered this plan, an angel of the Lord appeared and told him that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and that this baby was going to save men from sin and his name shall be Jesus, “The Lord is salvation”. All of this was said to fulfill the prophecy of what Isaiah had said in Is 7:14. :Behold, the Virgin shall be with cild and give both to a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel,” which translated means “God is with us”.

            Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel had said, and he officially took Mary as his wife, but he kept her a virgin till she gave birth to the baby, Jesus.

            It took Joseph much strength and boldness to follow what he was commanded. Following through with this was taking on social discomfort and judgment from everyone around. When we feel God guiding us to do something, no matter how uncomfortable it is to obey or how much backlash we will get from others in “society” its important to pray for strength and obey. God sees when we deal with public scrutiny to obey his word, and He will help us through that time, but its one good way for us to show Him our love and appreciation.

            We are finally in the last chapter of the book of Daniel. Next week we will start in the book of Mathew.

            This chapter continues with the angel telling Daniel about the end times. At the end time, Michael, the great prince will arise. There will be a time of distress but at the time everyone who is written in the book of life will be rescued. Many of those who sleep in the ground will be resurrected to everlasting life, but some will fall to disgrace and everlasting abhorrence (repulsion/disgust).

            Those who are spiritually wise will shine bright and those who lead many to righteousness will shine bright like stars forever. The angel ordered Daniel to seal up the scroll and put it away till the end of time and not to search into it anxiously like some will do.

            Then Daniel looked and saw two others, one angel on one bank of the river and another on the other bank of the river. One said to the man dressed in linen above the river how long this would go on? The man dressed in linen held up his hands toward heaven and said it would be fore a time, times and a half a time which is three and a half years. Daniel heard but didn't understand so he asked what the outcome would be.

            The angel told Daniel to go his way with the words sealed. Many would be purged and purified, but the wicked will behave in their wicked ways and none of the wicked will know whats going on, but the spiritually wise will understand. From the time the regular (daily burnt offerings) is taken away and the abomination of desolation is set up ruining the temple of worship of the true God, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed will be the ones who waits and come to the 1,335 days. The angel told Daniel as for him, go his way until he will rest and rise again for his allotted inheritance at the end of the age.

            This chapter is all about a prophecy that the angel Gabriel is telling Daniel. This is the breakdown of the prophecy from the amplified bible.

            The prophecy says that three more kings are going to arise in Persia, then a fourth will become much richer than all of the m and will stir up the whole empire against the realm of Greece. Then, a mighty warlike king will arise and will rule and do as he pleases.

            As soon as he (Alexander) has risen, his kingdom will be broken by his death the kingdom will be uprooted and given to his four generals. Then the king of the south (Egypt) and his prince will have great dominion. After some years the Syrian king (of the north) and the Egyptian king (of the south) will make an alliance by making the daughter of the Egyptian king marry the king of the north. However, this brother of the bride wil come against the Syrian army and will prevail. The brother will carry off to Egypt the silver, gold and false gods and idols of the Syrians and will refrain from waging war against the king of the north for some years.

            The king of the north will come into the realm of the king of the south and his sons will prepare for battle and overflow the land which will anger the king of the south who will then fight the king of the north. The king of the south will be given the multitude of the men, then will become arrogant and prideful and will cause tens of thousands of men to fall and will not prevail.

            The king of the north will again arise with a bigger army and after several years he will advance. In these times many will rise up against Egypt, violent men of your people shall try to make the prophecy come true but why will fail.

            Then the king of the north will capture a well fortified city, the south will not stand their ground. Syria will do as they please and no one will stand against them. Antiochus The Third The Great will stay for a time in the land of Israel wit h destruction in his hand. He will create terms and conditions of peace which he will put into effect by giving his daughter (Cleopatra The First). He hopes to overthrow the kingdom with his daughter but she wont stand by her fathers side. After this, Antiochus The Third The Great king of Syria will turn his attention to the islands and capture many. But the commanders of Rome will put an end to his aggression, he will then go back to his fortress, stumble and not be found.

            Then in his place, his eldest son will arise (Seleucus IV Philopator), who will send an oppressor through the Jewel of his kingdom however after just a few days he will be shattered, although not in anger or battle. And in his place in Syria will arise a person who is despicable and disliked. He will come without warning and seize the kingdom by intrigue. The forces of the invading armies of Egypt as well as the prince of the covenant will be flooded away before him.

            They will make an alliance and after he will deceitfully go and form a small force of people to gain power. In a time of peace, without warning he will go to the most richest parts of the kingdom of Egypt and will accomplish the things in which his fathers never did, he will distribute plunder and spoil and goods among them, and will devise plans against strongholds, but only for a time. Those who eat his find foods will betray him (Ptolemy VI) and his army will be taken away and many will crumble down. Both of these kings hearts will be set on doing evil. They both will lie to each other but their plans will not succeed, for the ned is yet to come at the right appointed time.

            Then Antiochus IV Epiphanes will return to his land with great treasure and his heart will be set against the holy covenant. At the time appointed by God, he will return to the south but he will not be successful like the previous times. Ships of Cyprus in Roman hands will come against him. He will be discourage and in turn will go back to Israel and carry out his rage against the holy covenant. He will show favor to the Jews who are willing to break the holy covenant with God. His armed forces will arrive in Jerusalem and will desecrate the sanctuary, the spiritual stronghold and will do away with the daily burnt offerings and instead will put up a pagan altar in the sanctuary which is the abomination of desolation. With smooth words he will try to get Gods people to turn away from God and turn to him, but the ones who truly know Gods word and are spiritually mature will resist. Those who are wise will help others to see the truth and guide them to Gods word, yet for many days some of them and their followers will fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder. When they fall they will receive a little help and many will join with them in hypocrisy.

            Some of those who are spiritually wise and have insight will fall as martyrs in order to refine, purge, and make those among Gods people purge until the end time because it is yet that time appointed by God.

            Then the king (the antichrist) will do as he pleases. he will exalt himself and magnify himself above God and will say disgusting things against the God of gods and will prosper until the indignation is finished. For that which is determined by God will be done. In that time he will have no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women. He will magnify himself above them all, he will honor a god of fortresses with gold and silver, with precious stones and expensive things. He will give great honor to those who acknowledge him and will cause them to rule over the many and will parcel out land for a price. At the end time the king of the south will push and attack him (the antichrist) and the king the north will come against him with chariots and horsemen and with many ships coming through many countries and overwhelming them. He shall enter Israel, many countries will fall but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Maob, and the foremost (core) of the people, Ammon.

            Then he will stretch out many countries, Egypt will not be among the ones which escape. He will rule over gold and silver of Egypt, and the Libyan and the Ethiopians will follow in his footsteps. But rumors from the east and the north will disturb him and cause him t o set out with great fury to destroy and annihilate many. He will put his tents between the seas and the Holy Mountain of Zion; yet he will come to his end with not one to help him in his final battle with God



            The chapter begins with Daniel receiving another vision.  It states that he understood the vision but it troubled him.  So he did a sort of fast where he didnt eat anything pleasing, no meat or wine and he didnt annoint himself either. This is where todays modern "Daniel fast" has come from. This shows dedication and appreciation to God and strips away fleshly desires for three weeks, instead of preparing regular dinners you eat bland food and then spend the rest of the time praying and reading the word of God. Doing this type of fast can help your spirit grow and connect better with God. Its important to remeber that its not a diet, it is a spiritual fast. If it ever becomes more like a diet then its time to reevaluate.  

            Daniel did this fast for three weeks then saw another vision, whereas the men he was with didnt see the vision but instead got frightened and left. Daniel felt week and was given strength, the angel was sent to Daniel the moment he had felt troubled from the vision, when he firtst started his fast. The angel said that the prince of Persia withstood the angel for 21 days till the angel Michael came to help. God heard Daniel instantly and sent an answer right away for him, but it took the 21 days for the angel to give it to Daniel. When we pray God hears us right away.

            Daniel had no strenght, and couldnt talk, the emotional pain from the vision had emotionally and physically drained him. The angel touched Daniel's lips and he was able to speak, then the angel touched Daniel and he was given supernatural strength and was replenished. The angel told Daniel not to fear, peace will be to him and strength. God doesnt want us to fear, he wants us to be at peace with His strength.  Whenever you are tempted to fear remember,  "do not fear, peace be to you, be strong." 

            The angel then shared about the end times once more before leaving to go back to fight the prince of persia. Surely dealing with the prince of persia was important, but God still made it a priority to give Daniel peace and comfort. 

            No matter how small or big our problem or discomfort is, God will make time for us. Dont hesitate to go to Him when you are troubled. If there is something you are really struggling with try fasting and praying. 

            The "Daniel fast" is great for beginners because you dont cut out all foods and water, just undesirable foods. Basically you eat raw or cooked veggies (without seasongings or butters), fruit and grains and you can drink water. The stuff we tend to crave (meat, cheese, junk food sugar etc) would be left out. It makes it a good starting point for someone who has never done a full fast. Fasting and praying is good to help us grow closer to  God, allow our spirit man to grow and decrease our fleshly thinking. If God is putting it on your heart to fast and you dont know where to begin, this would be something to look into and pray about.  There's lots of recipes and more in depth information on it, but remember,  the food part isnt the importance of the fast, its commecting to God. Its not about the diet its about Him.